Little Green Monster – Pool Party

Let’s try something new here: a blog post in English.

Why in English, you ask? Well, because today I released my first children’s book in English (translated by myself). Little Green Monster – Pool Party tells the story of a cute Little Green Monster (yes, that is his name) who lives in a wardrobe and eats socks. And also wants to have a pool party in the bathtub.

The story is silly fun for children starting at the age of 3 (if you read it to them) or second grade (if you want them to read it themselves).

The illustration was done by the amazing Natascha Schmidt. The book is available from Amazon as an ebook or print on demand paperback (full color, of course).

Paperback: available available available

eBook: available available available


Are you also asking yourself, where all the socks you cannot find anymore vanish to?

They were eaten by Little Green Monsters, who live in your wardrobe. Usually they are hiding very well and we never notice them, but I got to know my Little Green Monster. Together, we have many fun adventures.

Today, Little Green Monster wants to have a pool party—in my bathtub!

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